A Table for Six
Dating Events Ireland

A Table for Six
Dating Events Ireland
A Table for Six matches three single ladies and three single men for group dinner dates/singles events all over Ireland.
Tables are matched based on age, occupation, background, preferences etc. Attendees can attend with friends however, most people comfortably attend alone which we feel gives you the best opportunity to be yourself and enjoy your evening.
When you book your ticket, you will be asked a number of questions, helping us to match your tables. You will then be invited to attend the dinner with other similarly matched guests.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, you will be discretely welcomed to your table where we recommend you sit male, female, male, female. The dinner starts with everyone briefly introducing themselves to the group and then the evening flows from there. Should you wish to meet any of the other guests just get in touch!
A Table for Six has been running singles events all over Ireland since 2017 with huge success and lots of love stories to date!
If you don't see suitable tickets available in your selected location, please pop your name and details on our waiting list and we will be in touch as soon as a suitable table becomes available.